Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Podcasting: I want to do that!

I just learned that Hamilton Elementary School has been podcasting either to communicate with their community or just to showcase some of the cool stuff that's going on at school.
I can see the potential of podcasting to give parents an idea of what's going on in the classrooms. I would like to do something like the people of Langwitches.org who have a blog,a wiki and Podcasts on standards, ideas, projects, tutorials, and software reviews for the ESL and Foreign Language classrooms. It is not only about teachers using technology to enhance students' learning. It is also about teachers sharing projects and ideas. I remember this nice podcast about a teacher sharing the chants and oral prompts she uses to elicit oral response from the students. It would be great that every Spanish teacher in our school district broadcasted a Podcast from time to time so we could learn a little from one another.


Angie said...

Those are great ideas for podcasts in the classroom. I think that there are a lot of potential uses for podcasts in learning a foreign language. Especially for students in early childhood classrooms where all of the learning is oral. Second graders learning Spanish could really benefit from hearing themselves and others on podcasts. Good luck...I hope you get to use them!

Gustavo Zapata said...
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Mariana1709 said...

nice picture! just like u and it capture ur spirit